OS-tan Annex Project Revival

Started by Aurora Borealis, February 20, 2010, 01:17:23 AM

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Yay EMAG-tan!!!! I hadn't picked out a colour scheme for her, but this looks as good as any.

There's almost no info on EMAG so her backstory is fair game; I only supposed she was associated with DTSS, GENIAC and Tynix (and Digi-Comp as well I'm sure) due to her hobby-computer status and friendly nature. :\

BTW, Whirlwind-tan's colour scheme IS NOT the one I used in the painting; got a bit carried away with purple there. Her hair is black and eyes are blue.

Aurora Borealis

@stewartsage: Is there a MONIAC-tan yet, btw? I think she's been mentioned before, but I can't recall at the moment.

@Bella: Glad you like the color scheme!

Do either of you think that in the 60's, there was a clash between the hobbyists systems, and the 'posh' mainframe systems, or did they go their separate ways and for the most part not interact? Besides, it sounds like the mainframe-tans had a lot of in-fighting already.

I see- I read the description for the Whirlwind-tan painting, I knew she had black hair but wasn't sure about her eyes or outfit (aside from the black+white checkerboard patterns).

And with EMAG III-tan's backstory, I think that she was one of GENIAC-tan's last friends before abandonment by her old caregiver after he/she outgrew her. Let's just say that EMAG III had to continue her travels and wasn't allowed by GENIAC's caregiver to take her with. :(


Is there a MONIAC? Is there ever a MONIAC! Get thee to the IBM-tans thread, about one page back, toward the bottom...

Nah, the hobby systems didn't pose a threat to the professional ones; besides being much to benevolent (in general) they had a complete lack of individual and organisational strength compared to the mainframes. The only target mainframe-tans had, for the most part, was other mainframes.

Yep, black hair, blue eyes, black and white outfit. (I refuse to use black in my watercolourings however >>)

EMAG probably would have worried about taking care of GENIAC-chan too; I imagine a person of her stature would a bit... er... clumsy. D:


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
The --canon-- OS-kuns aren't included in the project bios (lack of interest or characterization?), but can still make cameo appearances in stories.

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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
The --canon-- OS-kuns aren't included in the project bios (lack of interest or characterization?), but can still make cameo appearances in stories.


The canon OS-kuns probably aren't included because they aren't as developed, personality-wise, as the -tans... though then again, one could say the same thing about the OSX-tans (and I'd bite their head off :<)

How about this? Compile some personality info on the -kuns, maybe we can get them a special section on the Annex (since I *really* want program and hardware-kuns to be included too).



and who says they're not as developed personality-wise?! take ME-kun for example:
he is much more dependable than his sister, is well-versed in the help files, can be a little spoiled at times, and is a big ol' pervert, often sharing dirty jokes with his brothers. he attends a university (or a private school, depending on how old he is being depicted), and most pictures have him displayed as roughly the same age as Emuii-tan, though i have seen him displayed older. he frequently pals around with 2k-kun and both XP-kuns, though he is also known to fight with 2k-kun (slight temper with him). he is more reserved than his sister and much less prone to error, but nonetheless loves his sister dearly and does everything he can to protect her. (this might make him a little distrusting of kyourou-kun....)
click to make it bigger

Aurora Borealis

I haven't forgotten about the more character-developed OS-kuns, thinking they could be included in the listed factions along with the OS-tans (and on the same thread), or do any of you think the OS-kuns may have their separate factions? If the latter, I'll have to make a new thread to keep track of them.


I didn't say they aren't developed personality-wise; I mean, WE (OSCers) haven't given them as much though as the others. Just liek the OSXen, though a few have sought to remedy that too.

I think the OS-kuns would be in the same factions as their respective OS-tan counterparts; as for the programs and hardware-kuns, they'd probably be with the factions containing their most associated OS-tans.

Aurora-hime, can you give me a short rundown of bios you're working on? I might make a few... and wouldn't want to cover any ground you have already.

Aurora Borealis

I'm currently working on the ones for Plan B, Octopus, and FreeBSD, Apple II and Coleco Adam for now.

EDIT: Here are two of your requested avatars, Bella. Two more to go!

Any more requests, anyone?


They look awesome Aurora! GJ! :D

I might be writing bios for Linux, Solaris (both half-finished from last June >>), VIC-20, PRIMOS and Stratus VOS.

Any avatars YOU (or, anyone else for that matter) might want me to work on? Can't say I'll get around to it, but then again I do love drawing headshots. = =

Aurora Borealis

Thanks! :D

As for my requests, how about PC-DOS and FreeDOS, the remaining two of the DOSSE that don't have avatars yet?


Kk, I'll try to get on that.

Oh and another thing: THOR-chan's bio is going to have to be modified, since it's been decided that the character better represents PDP-1 than the OS, THOR.

Aurora Borealis

Okay. Is that all that needs to be changed?


Here's the modified bio:

QuoteName:  PDP-1
aka: Programmable Data Processor-1
Debut: early 1959
Height: 4'0''
Weight: 70lb
Eye Color:  blue
Hair: blonde

Quick Facts:
- Innocent, feisty and child-like in nature; but with a great deal of tenacity and inner resourcefulness.
- Called a programmable data processor â€" instead of computer â€" to avoid dismissal and possible reprisal by the more powerful computer-tans of her day (especially the IBM mainframes)
- Foundress of the DEC Empire.
- Nonviolent for the most part, may occasionally wield a slingshot
- A pianist, known for her excellent handle on baroque classical music (PDP-1 is famous for making music)
- Spent most of her early life living at MIT, where she studied and taught
- Daughter of Whirlwind-hime via the TX-0 project, lived near her mother for the duration of Whirlwind's life.
- Sister to SAGE and CTSS
- Ancestor of all PDP computer-tans
-  A small, outwardly mousey girl, dresses in blue and white, dons twin buns that give the appearance of mouse ears and large round glasses

Aurora Borealis

Okay! I got the new bio up on the main page! :D

Awww... poor PDP-1-chan, being dismissed as a toy for so long. But I'd imagine she finally got the respect she deserved when she established the DEC empire and faction! Didn't that show them?

Two new bios: Obscure-yet-successful genius underdogs FTW!

This genius might not be all-knowing, but she is all-eating! :D
Quote from: undefinedName: FreeBSD
aka: FreeB-chan
Debut: Nov 1993
Height: 172 cm
Weight: ?? kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Light Red

Quick Facts:
-The de-facto leader of the User Space Gang, her larger-than-life demeanor overshadows Plan 9.
-Younger sister to NetBSD, and older sister to the other Open Source BSD-tans.
-Fun-loving, highly extroverted and ambitious, and loves to take the initiative with anything.
-Has long light red hair and wears a red minidress with long black boots and gloves.
-Carries a shapeshifting pitchfork-flail combo weapon.
-Laid-back and informal, to the point she's mistaken for a slacker, but is very intelligent.
-Was drafted into the Unix Wars, but deserted.
-Escaped arrest for desertion due to simple but clever tactics, met Plan 9, NetBSD and OpenBSD and the four of them co-founded the User Space Gang.
-Gets along very well with the Open Source Unix-tans plus A/UX (who is closed-source but shares their ideals) but speaks little about the rest of her family.
-Has an impressive appetite and can eat just about anything.
-Values freedom above all.

This OS operates medical devices, cars, the world's most powerful router, and nuclear power plants. Be glad she won't turn against you!

despite being in the A$C, she doesn't have any ill-will towards the Windows-tans. Actually, the only ones that do are OS/2 and Visi On.

Quote from: undefinedName: QNX Neutrino
aka: QNX, Quantum
Debut: 1982
Height: 168 cm
Weight: ??kg
Eye Color: Gold
Hair: Cyan

Quick Facts:
-Cheerful, polite and non-chalant; difficult to scare and does not easily show anger or sadness, and is cordial to everyone.
-Regarded as one of the most stable OS-tans ever, yet is still quirky, such as her only counting in even numbers. (Skipped versions 3 and 5)
-First profession was as a teacher and was affiliated with Unisys in the 80's (ran on the Unisys Icon computer), but wasn't very successful.
-Was drafted into the Unix Wars of the 90's to serve as a medic. Had for a long time hated the Unices, except for the defectors who she admired.
-Got her current job as a mechanic after the wars, and especially likes working with cars and other large machines.
-Excels at engineering, chemistry and nuclear physics, but is terrible at domestic tasks.
-Is rivals with OS-9 and ROMDOS.
-Holds herself up to very high standards in her day jobs and can't tolerate failure in them, but being with the A$C allows her to have time to relax, even in their latest misadventures!
-Has recently started using some Open Source technology. QNX became completely proprietary again since 2010.
-Keeps her hair tied up and decorated with a gold QNX pin and Neutrino logo, dresses professionally and usually wears a lab coat and tie with her outfits.