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More IBM-tans

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2010, 06:20:25 PM

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Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 04, 2011, 03:59:28 AM
Well, one for, one against...

Truth be told though, I'm probably gonna do one single version since it gives for a more "rival" character for Mertvaya (if i want to use that) and the fact that it's easier to simplify (since I suck and take lots of time with my drawery) than to complicate.

Agreed. At this point, more characters just = more work to me. Then there's the Law of Interesting Character Features Conservation - have four semi-developed, sort-of interesting characters, or ONE character that's fully fleshed out and developed.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 02, 2011, 09:47:45 PM
i kinda want her hair to be in twin loops, with little metal clips on the side, like the little loops on the top right. :3


Quote from: stewartsage on January 04, 2011, 03:25:12 PM
For the record, even if she is an American missile SAGE probably wouldn't like her very much.  On the subject of multiple vs. single -tans for Minuteman; I'd say stick with one.  Might want to think about the Titan too.

...Cause the missiles diminished her usefulness?

I wanna make an ASC-15-tan too now. D:


hmm, i feel a little better since someone took my input seriously.

i'd like to see a comik/picture/something with SAGE, Mertvaya and Minuteman together. :3

@bells: if you want to, then go for it. :3
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That comic sounds like it'd have to be printed on 98% explodium paper.


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Pure rage emanating from SAGE somewhere in the Ultra Violent range.


for a second there, i read that as "ultra violence". -w-
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i was reading an article from a 2001 reader's digest, only to inadvertently discover that one of the people who created Minuteman (and a similar missile, UGM-27 Polaris) was a holocaust survivor.

maybe we could work some sort of anti nazi angle into Minuteman's personality.....just a thought.
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Anti-nazi, like what, hating the Zuses? -w-;


not sure how to work that in.....just thought i'd suggest it.

maybe make a polaris-tan, but that might be more of a mecha musume thing. :\
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Hm, maybe.  She'd be long dead though...

Aurora Borealis

I'm reading the article right now, and it says that Deep Blue ran the Unix OS AIX, and there is an AIX-tan, and I think she and Deep Blue-tan would have been colleagues, and AIX-tan herself loves to play chess too! :)

Referencing Deep Blue's brute-force search methods of calculations, she is extremely strong as well as intelligent, but was accused by detractors and skeptics of being a cheater.

Her chess career began early in her life, reaching its height starting in 1993, or did start in '93 if she represents just the Deep Blue model, as I'm not sure whether she also represents Deep Blue's predecessors Deep Thought (1988) and ChipTest (1985). Maybe she comes from a lineage of renowned chess players?

Appearance-wise, I see her as being very tall with blue hair and wearing a long black dress with white pinstripes.

When was Deep Blue dismantled?


Not to diminish the importance of Deep Blue, I find THIS ONE far more interesting. Heck, it's even named after the beloved founder of IBM, *blessings upon his name*

For god's sake, it's gonna be on Jeopardy! What will IBM think of next... a Wheel-of-Fortune-playing laptop? A Price Is Right-competing mainframe? A hula-hooping android? Wonders never cease... @0@


After her match with Kasparov, in 1997 or early 1998.

My brother mentioned that.

Aurora Borealis

Why was Deep Blue dismantled? Would that translate to Deep Blue-tan getting killed by her own staff?

@Bella: That is awesome! From what glimpse I could get of the Watson, it reminds me of the black slab from "2001: Space Odyssey", so I think Watson-tan would dress in a futuristic-yet-minimalistic fashion, but also include glowing crystals on her dress, or glowing eyes referencing the glowing screen on the Watson machine.