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More IBM-tans

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2010, 06:20:25 PM

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She is somehow, but I'm not sure how.  Bella knows GECOS better then me  ^^'


Quote from: Chocofreak13
Quote from: "Bella"
QuoteHmmm, maybe GECOS-tan would consider DOS/360-tan to be her mother? (sorta like VOS-tan and Multics-sama)?

hrm, isn't unix involved in this as well? i'd love to see a grandmother-mother-child drawing. ^^

Unix-sama and GECOS-tan aren't related by blood, but GECOS-tan was present at Unix-sama's creation/birth and later went on to be her mentor. (Unix was built using GECOS until it became self-supporting, and GECOS lent Unix some small features... well, it's really only the GECOS Field....)

VM/CMS-tan sounds pretty interesting, I might have to draw her~!

Not to worry Stewart-san, you don't have to fix anything in TSS/360-tan's profile. Hmm, I suppose DOS/360-tan would have a certain about of disdain for GECOS-tan....


Hoorey for new Massachusetts Minicomputer-tans~!

(Plz fave + comment if you can)

From my DeviantArt description:
Today we have four Data General-tans and a DEC text editor-kun.
A little bit of info:
-Data General was a company founded 1968 by a group of disgruntled ex-DEC employees
-Based in central Massachusetts
-Known for their Nova, Supernova and Eclipse computers
-Also known for a very aggressive marketing campaign; the company and its leaders were involved in a number of lawsuits (including one for attempted arson, but that's another story...)
-Plagued by setbacks and product postponements in the 1970s, but made a powerful comeback in the 80s
-Defunct as of 1999

Now for some info on the OS-tan characters themselves (L-to-R):
-RDOS-tan, aka DOS-tan: (R)DOS is a realtime multitasking OS released in 1972. I envisioned RDOS-tan would look and behave similar to an older DOS (as in, MSDOS)-tan, a shallow pun on her name. She's rather shy but passive-agressive and somewhat upset by being "displaced" by her younger sister.
Staus: Alive (RDOS is preserved in a SIMH emulator)

-Expensive Typewriter-kun. Expensive Typewriter is the text editor for the PDP-1. I imagine Expensive Typewriter-kun is a very well-dressed young gentleman, tall and lanky and always carrying an fancy-looking typewriter (what else?). A brotherly figure to PDP-1/THOR-tan.

-AOS (aka, AOS/VS, aka AOS/VS II)-tan. AOS is an OS that runs on the Eclipse minicomputer line. First released in the 1980s, AOS was noted for being wildly more advanced than the competing PDP-11 OSes (it's also said that, to the untrained eye, AOS and VMS might look rather similar at first glance[?!]). In light of this, I see AOS-tan as an intelligent and powerful fighter, specializing in sorcery of some sort (see this ad), probably powerful enough to take on a DEC-tan single-handedly. That is, if she shows up in time for the fight (Eclipse computer was plagued by setbacks). Psychologically-speaking, she's sort of like an absentminded VMS-sama.
Status: alive (DG computers running the different AOS variants are still in use)
(Note: Yes, her top is a backwards suit. Don't blame me, Olympic Ice Dancing gave me the idea!)

-DG/UX-tan. DG/UX is a Unix System V variant that runs on the Eclipse and Aviion lines, praised for multiprocessor support and a rich set of features but notorious for sparse updates. DG/UX-tan was one of the most powerful Unix-tans of her time; she did not participate in the Unix Wars (and rather abhorred them) because she held loyalties to several different Unix factions (and was closest with Unix-sama, BSD-tan and Solaris-tan). Despite this, she's the beleaguered Unix-tan of the group.

It's CEO-kun! Comprehensive Electronic Office was DG's native office/email suite, implemented on AOS. Despite his lofty title, CEO-kun acts more as a secretary than a boss-- he's usually hard at work in his office, buried under tons of papers and performing clerical duties for the DG OS-tans.


the first thing i saw was "expensive typerwriter-kun, and i was like, wtf, that's a computer? .____.;
click to make it bigger


Sorry, this is a bit random, but:


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"the first thing i saw was "expensive typerwriter-kun, and i was like, wtf, that's a computer? .____.;

Haha! No, just a cleverly-named text editor. ^^'

Quote from: "stewartsage"Sorry, this is a bit random, but:

Uwah?! Did we coin a phrase?!

Any thoughts on the DG-tans, pplz? ;.;

Aurora Borealis

The Data General-tans sound like an interesting bunch. Founded by defectors from the DEC, so they must be a powerful bunch if they've taken on the likes of VMS-sama!

RDOS-tan looks so cute, looking much like an older, wiser, tomboyish MSDOS-tan, or a mild-mannered PCDOS-tan!

Expensive Typewriter-kun (*chuckle* there's just something funny about that) looks dressed for success and I like his cheerfulness.

Despite her suit being on backwards, AOS-tan looks very elegant... and explains part of her absentmindedness!

DG/UX-tan looks professional, classy, yet down-to-earth. She's also one of the few Unix-tans that managed to stay out of the Unix Wars altogether (the only other one I can think of is A/UX-tan, and that's because she was completely indifferent). That she is/was close to Unix-sama in the 90's is impressive!

Poor CEO-kun! I know quite a few people who could easily empathize with him!


Sorry ;__;

How did I miss Data General!? Good work on picking them up.

-RDOS does looks ready to take care of business, can't forget the armband.

-Expensive Typewriter-kun had me doing the same thing for a moment.  On the Editor Scale of Rougishness, with 1 being QED-kun and 10 being Emacs-kun, where is he?

-The backwards coat works.  Late for battle huh?  Absent minded VMS sounds like an exceedingly dangerous concept....

-Poor DG/UX, caught like West Virginia in the Civil War.

-On this page, CEO-kun is probably my straight up favorite design. Graph+untucked shirt+undone tie=BUSY!!1!

Here's one more OS.

AMSDOS (Amstrad Disc Operating System)-tan:
-Fast, likes to jog (noted as being faster then contemporaries)
-Enjoys sorting and labeling things
-Very competitive, especially with her contemporaries
-Will juggle cassettes and floppies to show off (her main job was to map cassette tape programs to work with disk drives)
-Friend of CP/M-tan
-Often found playing games of skill against Roland
-Status: (?)

Physical: Young girl in jogging clothes with a portable cassette player and headphones, spikey blond hair with black highlights, bright blue eyes.

Has ACORN MOS been done?

Maybe some IBM related information?


i like AOS's absentmindedness. it's cute. ^^ dancing...?
click to make it bigger


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"The Data General-tans sound like an interesting bunch. Founded by defectors from the DEC, so they must be a powerful bunch if they've taken on the likes of VMS-sama!

RDOS-tan looks so cute, looking much like an older, wiser, tomboyish MSDOS-tan, or a mild-mannered PCDOS-tan!

Expensive Typewriter-kun (*chuckle* there's just something funny about that) looks dressed for success and I like his cheerfulness.

Despite her suit being on backwards, AOS-tan looks very elegant... and explains part of her absentmindedness!

DG/UX-tan looks professional, classy, yet down-to-earth. She's also one of the few Unix-tans that managed to stay out of the Unix Wars altogether (the only other one I can think of is A/UX-tan, and that's because she was completely indifferent). That she is/was close to Unix-sama in the 90's is impressive!

Poor CEO-kun! I know quite a few people who could easily empathize with him!

Quote from: "stewartsage"Sorry ;__;

How did I miss Data General!? Good work on picking them up.

-RDOS does looks ready to take care of business, can't forget the armband.

-Expensive Typewriter-kun had me doing the same thing for a moment. On the Editor Scale of Rougishness, with 1 being QED-kun and 10 being Emacs-kun, where is he?

-The backwards coat works. Late for battle huh? Absent minded VMS sounds like an exceedingly dangerous concept....

-Poor DG/UX, caught like West Virginia in the Civil War.

-On this page, CEO-kun is probably my straight up favorite design. Graph+untucked shirt+undone tie=BUSY!!1!

The DG faction would've been powerful and masterful propagandists, yes, but also rather disorganized in reality and more prone to melee-style fighting tactics than the very tight-knit and methodical DEC-tans.

No worries! I don't know how I missed Data General either, I had never heard of them until I began doing some random article perusing on Wikipedia.  

I wanted RDOS-tan to look similar to an older DOS-tan, and a bit like RT11-tan too (because she's quite equivalent to her in age and personality). She's not as powerful as the others, but she could probably hold her own in a fight.

Expensive Typewriter-kun is well named, since, well, a PDP-1 did make an expensive word-processing machine. ^^' Glad you like him, though.

On the Edtior-kun Scale of Rougishness, I'd give him a 3 or 4 maybe. Probably a flirt, but definitely not a lady's man. xD

Haha, I hadn't even thought of the backwards coat tying into AOS-tan's absentmindedness... I just wanted there to be something different about her.

I can see AU/X-tan and DG-UX-tan as getting along rather well because of their non-participation in the Unix Wars! I don't know if she's personally "close" with Unix-sama, but probably on good enough terms to drop by and visit every once and awhile.

DG-UX-tan... the WV of OS-tans?!

Glad you guys like CEO-kun! There's plenty of comedic potential with him, I think, since he has to look after such a crazy lot of OS-tans.

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i like AOS's absentmindedness. it's cute. ^^ dancing...?

Thank you. ^^

Believe it or not, there was a woman wearing a backwards men's suit as a top in the ice dancing competition. xD

Quote from: "stewartsage"AMSDOS (Amstrad Disc Operating System)-tan:
-Fast, likes to jog (noted as being faster then contemporaries)
-Enjoys sorting and labeling things
-Very competitive, especially with her contemporaries
-Will juggle cassettes and floppies to show off (her main job was to map cassette tape programs to work with disk drives)
-Friend of CP/M-tan
-Often found playing games of skill against Roland
-Status: (?)

Physical: Young girl in jogging clothes with a portable cassette player and headphones, spikey blond hair with black highlights, bright blue eyes.

Has ACORN MOS been done?

Ah, sounds like an interesting design! I wonder if she'd be an honourary DOS-tan? ^^

I... don't think... an MOS-tan has been done. I could be wrong though.

One last announcement: I'm working on creating an ENIAC +EDVAC-tan. Anyone who wants to throw in personality ideas is free to do so, but right now I'm seeing ENIAC-sama as an amnesiac-type, a little sickly but with a hard work ethic; and EDVAC-tan as her daughter, somewhat healthier and with a much better memory. Physically speaking, ENIAC and EDVAC-tan will wear a sort of very stylized 1940s women's Army uniforms crossed with Renaissance-style fashion.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Bella"
The DG faction would've been powerful and masterful propagandists, yes, but also rather disorganized in reality and more prone to melee-style fighting tactics than the very tight-knit and methodical DEC-tans.
What kind of special abilities do the DG-tans have? Didn't know the DEC-tans were tight-knit- I thought there'd be a lot of rivalry in the DEC ranks. Or maybe they're so organized because they can temporarily put their differences aside! ^^;

BTW, what faction are each of the DG-tans in now? RDOS-tan was the only one of them originally listed, and as an Independent OS-tan. Agree?

No worries! I don't know how I missed Data General either, I had never heard of them until I began doing some random article perusing on Wikipedia.  
I knew about them because of the original Annex Project thread (RDOS was listed in it), but didn't know how the DG-tans would fit into the storyline. Glad the DG-tans were finally introduced after being overlooked by us for so long!

I wanted RDOS-tan to look similar to an older DOS-tan, and a bit like RT11-tan too (because she's quite equivalent to her in age and personality). She's not as powerful as the others, but she could probably hold her own in a fight.
I see her resemblance to RT11-tan too!

Expensive Typewriter-kun is well named, since, well, a PDP-1 did make an expensive word-processing machine. ^^' Glad you like him, though.
What were word processors like back then? So many of them for powerful computers before they became commonplace.  ;026

Haha, I hadn't even thought of the backwards coat tying into AOS-tan's absentmindedness... I just wanted there to be something different about her.
It's a coincidence that works nicely! :)

I can see AU/X-tan and DG-UX-tan as getting along rather well because of their non-participation in the Unix Wars! I don't know if she's personally "close" with Unix-sama, but probably on good enough terms to drop by and visit every once and awhile.
If that's so, then DG-UX-tan would be one of the most level-headed, closest-to-normal people A/UX-tan is friends with! :P

Glad you guys like CEO-kun! There's plenty of comedic potential with him, I think, since he has to look after such a crazy lot of OS-tans.
I can imagine his daily office life being like something out of "Office Space"!  

Quote from: "stewartsage"AMSDOS (Amstrad Disc Operating System)-tan:
-Fast, likes to jog (noted as being faster then contemporaries)
-Enjoys sorting and labeling things
-Very competitive, especially with her contemporaries
-Will juggle cassettes and floppies to show off (her main job was to map cassette tape programs to work with disk drives)
-Friend of CP/M-tan
-Often found playing games of skill against Roland
-Status: (?)

Physical: Young girl in jogging clothes with a portable cassette player and headphones, spikey blond hair with black highlights, bright blue eyes.
I'll draw her! But should there also be an Amstrad CPC-tan, or can this Amstrad-tan represent both the hardware and OS? And I'm sure she'd still be alive today.

Has ACORN MOS been done?
Not exactly, but C-Chan did type up a preconcept for her:

QuoteAppearance-wise, she's a very old consumer-level computer, so she's still a girl-type. For a frame of reference, I was aiming for something akin to a dark-haired, cheerier-looking Henrietta (from Gunslinger Girl), with white, black and red as her predominant fashion colors. As the elder sister of RISC OS-tan, her hair is a shorter version of RISC-tan's, and her eyes are also a darker shade of green. On her dress is an embroidery of her coat-of-arms, which she displays proudly and prominently.

She's mild-mannered, pleasant and quiet, speaking in a thicker, more old-fashioned British accent than RISC-tan. She's also a fastidious dresser and groomer, more so since she's the producer/anchor of her own local news show, and so does everything possible to look and act professional (despite the poor viewership,... all 10 of them).

And of course, she's an ardent supporter of the British Broadcasting Corporation,... even if she does hesitantly-agree that it's been losing its way as of late.

One last announcement: I'm working on creating an ENIAC +EDVAC-tan. Anyone who wants to throw in personality ideas is free to do so, but right now I'm seeing ENIAC-sama as an amnesiac-type, a little sickly but with a hard work ethic; and EDVAC-tan as her daughter, somewhat healthier and with a much better memory. Physically speaking, ENIAC and EDVAC-tan will wear a sort of very stylized 1940s women's Army uniforms crossed with Renaissance-style fashion.
Can't think of anything to add at the moment, but that sounds like a daring combination of fashions! Go for it! :D


Quote from: "Bella"
The DG faction would've been powerful and masterful propagandists, yes, but also rather disorganized in reality and more prone to melee-style fighting tactics than the very tight-knit and methodical DEC-tans.

Ah, sounds like an interesting design! I wonder if she'd be an honourary DOS-tan? ^^

I... don't think... an MOS-tan has been done. I could be wrong though.

One last announcement: I'm working on creating an ENIAC +EDVAC-tan. Anyone who wants to throw in personality ideas is free to do so, but right now I'm seeing ENIAC-sama as an amnesiac-type, a little sickly but with a hard work ethic; and EDVAC-tan as her daughter, somewhat healthier and with a much better memory. Physically speaking, ENIAC and EDVAC-tan will wear a sort of very stylized 1940s women's Army uniforms crossed with Renaissance-style fashion.

Must banish image of DEC's in Napoleonic War uniform's ><.  At least they've finally come to light. Must stop imagining RDOS-san standing on a box shouting slogan to the bourgeois masses outside an MTA station ><.

I'm sure she'd at least get along with them.  In a bickering manner of course.

Remember, in the future we'll all use Micros!

Hooray! Perhaps a bit of a Greek mythological scheme for ENIAC-sama? The insignia of the WAC was Athena's head and it seems to me that maybe that'd work somehow? Note: ORDVAC didn't get along with EDVAC at all (to the story outline, away!)

Quote from: "Aurora"I'll draw her! But should there also be an Amstrad CPC-tan, or can this Amstrad-tan represent both the hardware and OS? And I'm sure she'd still be alive today.

Not exactly, but C-Chan did type up a preconcept for her:

I think she'd cover both, it gets kinda hazy though.  I was close to simply call her Amstrad-tan, but there were sort of others and she ended up being AMSDOS-tan ^^'. Yep, definitely alive, didn't take long to find one for sale.  Too bad it was pick up only in the UK ><.

Ah ha.  See above.


Quote from: "Aurora-sama"What kind of special abilities do the DG-tans have? Didn't know the DEC-tans were tight-knit- I thought there'd be a lot of rivalry in the DEC ranks. Or maybe they're so organized because they can temporarily put their differences aside! ^^;  

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that some sort of radiation/light manipulation would be a good fit for the DG-tans (as a reference to the names of the most famous DG computers-- Nova, Supernova and Eclipse).

There was a bit of infighting in the DEC ranks, early on between RT11-tan and DOS/BATCH 11-tan, and especially between the Unices and "native" DEC OSes, but in general they got along well and made for a cohesive lot.

I'm glad the DG-tans have finally come to light too. :)

QuoteWhat were word processors like back then? So many of them for powerful computers before they became commonplace.  

Not precisely sure what word processors were like way-back, but I imagine they must not be dissimilar from modern text-based word processors under command-line interfaces... albeit more primitive, of course.

QuoteIf that's so, then DG-UX-tan would be one of the most level-headed, closest-to-normal people A/UX-tan is friends with! :P

Wouldn't be so sure... a certain porcine friend of ours always suggested that ALL Unices would have a "quirk". We just haven't found DGUX-tan's yet. ^^'

Office Space: yet another movie I've always wanted to see but been to lazy to check out. xD

Ah, now I remember reading C-Chan's preconcept. Thanks.

Quote from: "Stewart-san"Must banish image of DEC's in Napoleonic War uniform's ><. At least they've finally come to light. Must stop imagining RDOS-san standing on a box shouting slogan to the bourgeois masses outside an MTA station ><.

It's not a completely bad metaphor... actually, it sorta/kinda works. xD;

Er... speaking of the DEC-tans... they're a "militaristic" faction, but I never *ahem* really took the time to assign any of them ranks. I know all the OS-tans would be officers (with the exception of TSS/8-tan) but... it ends about there.

Doth thou take the challenge? ^^

QuoteHooray! Perhaps a bit of a Greek mythological scheme for ENIAC-sama? The insignia of the WAC was Athena's head and it seems to me that maybe that'd work somehow? Note: ORDVAC didn't get along with EDVAC at all (to the story outline, away!)

Waaah, stop reading my mind! I swear my first thought for ENIAC-sama's design was Greek-looking (didn't know about the Athena insignia, mind you). I tried though, and I can't say it worked out entirely (I might have to try, try again).

The interview mentioned that ORDVAC and EDVAC didn't get along. A bit of professional rivalry, eh?


Quote from: "Bella"Doth thou take the challenge? ^^

Dangerous words, very dangerous.  If there's one thing I enjoy its obsessive military planning details ^^'.  Please help me point out any inaccuracies, my DEC knowledge is somewhat sketchy.

First up, brief service records for the DEC's

-Colonel: Commander, 1st Regiment 1967-1970
-Brigadier General (*): Officer Commanding, DEC Field Forces 1970-1973
--Major General (**) 1973-1988
--General (****), retroactive

-Major: Executive Officer, 1st Regiment 1968-1970
-Colonel: 1st Regiment, 1970-1973
-Brigadier General (*): 1st Brigade 1973-1975
--Killed in Action, Battle of Bloomington

-Colonel: TRADOC 1970-1973
-Colonel: 2nd Regiment 1973-1975
--Missing in Action, presumed dead at Battle of Bloomington

RT 11
-Lieutenant Colonel: XO, 1st Regiment 1970-1973
-Colonel: 1st Regiment 1973-1975
-Brigadier General (*): 1st Brigade 1975-1998

-Colonel: 2nd Regiment 1970-1973
-Brigadier General (*): 2nd Brigade 1973-1988
-Major General (**): DFF Left Wing 1988-1998

-Colonel: 3rd Regiment 1971-1973
-Brigadier General (*): 3rd Brigade 1973-1981

-Major: Regimental Train 1972-1973
-Major: Adjutant to OCDFF 1973-1977
-Lieutenant Colonel: 1st Brigade Reconissance 1977-1982
-Brigadier General (*): 4th Brigade 1982-1988
-Lieutenant General (***): DEC Field Forces 1988-1998

-Colonel, 5th Regiment, 3rd Brigade 1973-1980
-Brigadier General (*): 3rd Brigade 1981-1983
--Dismissed from service, dishonorably

-Colonel: 6th Regiment, 3rd Brigade 1977-1983
-Brigadier General: 3rd Brigade 1983
-Brigadier General (*): 5th Brigade 1983-1988
-Major General (**): Right Wing, DFF 1988-1998

-Captain: Company 'A', 6th Regiment 1977-1979
-Major: 1st Battalion, 6th Regiment 1979-1983
-Colonel: 6th Regiment 1983-1988
--Adjutant to OCDFF Right Wing 1988-1998

-Captain: Company 'D', 5th Regiment 1978-1979
-Major: Staff Intel Officer, 1st Brigade 1979-1986
-Lieutenant Colonel: Staff Intel Officer, 4th Brigade 1986-1988
-Colonel: CGDFF Staff Intel Officer 1988-1998

True64 Unix
-Colonel: 3rd Brigade, 1992-1998

And to prove how much time I have on my hands, a potential table of organization/lineage chart for DEC units?  (If you've got ranks you need someone to command right)

Officer Commanding, DEC Field Forces: 1970-1973
-Brigadier General TOPS-10 (1970-1973)
renamed to
DEC Field Forces High Command: 1973-1998
-Major General TOPS-10 (1973-1988)
-Lieutenant General RSX (1988-1998)

1st Regiment: 1967-1973
-Colonel TOPS-10 (1967-1970)
-Colonel TSS-8 (1970-1973)
Lineage carries over to
1st Brigade: 1973-1998
-Brigadier General TSS-8 (1973-1975)
-Brigadier General RT 11 (1975-1998)

2nd Regiment: 1970-1973
-Colonel RSTS/E (1970-1973)
Lineage carries over to
2nd Brigade: 1973-1998
-Brigadier General RSTS/E 1973-1998

2nd Regiment
-Colonel DOS-11 (1973-1975)

3rd Regiment: 1971-1973
-Colonel OS/8 (1971-1973)
Lineage Carries over to
3rd Brigade: 1973-1983
-Brigadier General OS/8 (1973-1981)
-Brigadier General TOPS-20 (1981-1983)
Formation disbanded: 1983
Formation Reactivated: 1992

3rd (Light) Brigade: 1992-1998
-Colonel True64 Unix (1992-1998)

4th Brigade: 1982-1998
-Brigadier General RSX (1982-1988)

5th Brigade: 1983-1998
-Brigadier General VMS (1983-1988)

Left Wing of the DEC Field Forces: 1988-1998
-Major General RSTS/E (1988-1998)
-1st Brigade
-2nd Brigade

Right Wing of the DEC Field Forces: 1988-1998
-Major General VMS (1988-1998)
-4th Brigade
-5th Brigade
-3rd (Light) Brigade

Quote from: "Bella"Waaah, stop reading my mind! I swear my first thought for ENIAC-sama's design was Greek-looking (didn't know about the Athena insignia, mind you). I tried though, and I can't say it worked out entirely (I might have to try, try again).

The interview mentioned that ORDVAC and EDVAC didn't get along. A bit of professional rivalry, eh?

Either one'll turn out well I'm sure :D

Professional that turned personal, it's somewhere down the pipe, once a large fight scene seems to be within my writing grasp.  Well, we know who triumphed in the end.

Annnnd in case the wall of text wasn't large enough, here's a few more OS's for your viewing pleasure:

AN/UYK-3-tan (machine) OR Bunker-Ramo CP-771-tan (OS)
-Communications whizz
-Canadian Navy
-Somewhat cheerful, prefers to be at sea or near the coast
-Very tough, a scrapper (ruggedized for shipboard use)
-Speaks telex fluently
-Prone to falling on her face (heavy front cover)
-Has some type of precious stone on a necklace ("BR-133 was a real jewel")
-Can create a copy of herself to speed up her work
-Doesn't like airplanes, large companies, or geese (Dr. Ramo left Hughes Aircraft in a huff)
-Possible ancestor of RSX-tan
-Can be sneaky  if the occasion calls for it (learned corporate culture)
-May have a shadowy past
-Status: Unknown, presumed deceased

Physical: average height, build hard to gauge, brown hair, green eyes, Usually wears old style RCN uniform with copious bandages or heavy foul weather gear (system bulky), rather flat chested (system had a narrow top), has this tattooed on her neck, Likes bracelets and wristbands (bands used by communication devices), often seen with telex sheets

-Sister/fan/??? of RT-11
-Has some identity issues, sometimes mistaken for RT-11-san (somehow)
-Insistent about being a separate person
-Not a full member of the DEC family, a reservist
-Sort of a clerk/typist for hire
-Can be overwhelmed by her work, causing her to panic
-Changes clothes frequently (high configurable)
-Has a Southern accent (company based in Nashville {now the southern-tans show up})
-Officianado of Classic Country (see above)
-Status: Very much alive

Physical: A bit short, average build, bright red hair with grey highlights cut to just bellow the shoulder, will wear about anything, but usually tight fitting (small installation space), brown eyes

The Elektronika Sisters
-Russian OS for Elektronica microcomputers
-Will eventually get more developement, for now let's say they're a mirror DOSSEE or some such.  Perhaps even a band? RT-11 would be an honorary member.


Quote from: "Stewart-san"Dangerous words, very dangerous. If there's one thing I enjoy its obsessive military planning details ^^'. Please help me point out any inaccuracies, my DEC knowledge is somewhat sketchy.

First up, brief service records for the DEC's

Wow, thank you so much! I had a few thoughts about the possible ranks for the characters during the heyday of the DECs (early 70s-80s), but never really thought of anything before or past then. :\

I always imagined TOPS-10-tan as a general, and that VMS-tan would have been a colonel initially. Seems logical that she would have been promoted to general later on, though (VMS was DEC's most advanced OS). Ditto the lower for DOS/Batch 11-tan (it wasn't a particularly popular system) and Tenex-tan's dishonourable discharge (she never wanted to be a part of their military anyhow...)

I always imagined that TSS-8-tan would have been a conscientious objector, though. xD

Those lineage charts are perfect too. :B

ORDVAC-tan triumphed, right...?

Yey, moar OS-tans! And one's a Bunker-Ramo-tan at that! CP-771-tan sounds pretty interesting, especially her love of all things nautical and scrappy, devious personality. AND, bi-location abilities!

With her fluency in Telex, I already know what her
theme song could be! (Fun Fact: Planet Telex was originally titled Planet Xerox, but the lawyers changed that plan).

TSX-tan! I'm so happy you found a Southen'r OS-tan fine'ly! And one that has ties to DEC, no less.

Lulz at her identity crisis and possible sisterness with RT-11-tan. :B

I've considered making Elektronika-tans before, but never really gave it much thought... I like the idea that they're a band, it would be really different for a change. RT-11-tan would probably be their idol. ^.^