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More IBM-tans

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2010, 06:20:25 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Oooh! The SSEC is so shiny! Aaaaugh! I want to draw her, but just can't come up with any concept sketches! x_X

Awww... It's sad that the 3C-tans caused their downfall apparently. :(

I like this idea of more OS-tan cultures too, and it makes me want to write some articles about them! An OS-tan anthropology project! :D


concept sketches for secc-tan, feel free to reject them xD

you didn't specify what type of ancient clothing she would don, so i went for the roman gladiator look. (the bronze/copper would match anyway. :3)
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If you think about it, most of the old time Mass-based OS-tan cultures sort of caused their own downfalls.... it wasn't a sudden thing, it was a slow decline over many years of having their culture eroded away by outside sources. Sort of like ancient Rome, heh...

OS-tan anthropology: it's what I've been talkin' bout all this time. :D Actually, Ive begun writing a couple of pieces about OS-tan history/biology/anthropology. One began as a... LE GASP... slashfic, but ended up as a rather lengthy discussion of OS-tan biology and "WTH is an OS-tan". The other is a quaint little tale about quaint little Harvard Mark I-tan that goes on to describe her feelings about being this new weird thing called a "computer-tan".

Really like the sketches Choco, but I think she lacks a bit of the "ancient" part. You got the Roman part right though. ^.^

I was thinking a little more along these lines:


>___< this is the power of specifics. ehh, like i said, feel free to reject it. i'll doodle another one later.

oh yeah, her hat is an airline cap with the apollo mission logo on it.
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hey guys, since alot of these are military computers, thought i'd give you this link:

it's a .pdf of us navy symbols 1940-49. idk if it helps, but here it is anyway. :3
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When I saw Choco's thumbnail, I thought Secc-tan was going to have a nurse outfit. But i was wrong obviously when i clicked it. :P The cap does make it more cute btw. :3

I guess if you would fuse the navy/air/army/space-officer suit with the roman design (like epaulettes and a collar), then it would look better. ^^

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In my humble opinion, the SSEC control panel looks like a light bright.

Choco designs to the rescue!


@stew: lulz. thanks. -w-
@bella: i recently stumbled on a "world costumes" art book i had lying around my room (library discard, first published in 1952). it has a special section on england 1300's - 1900's so i'll defer to that and the "ancient costumes" section as a reference.
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Bella, that electromechanical computing system is simply marvelous!  Anybody trying to become an evil genius would want one.  *wants one*  I also think the gal on the right in that Women With Mohawks photograph is exquisite - whatever that means.

Hello, Ms Borealis!  How are you today?  *waves*

Thank you, Chocofreak, for that portable document file!  I found the squadron insignia especially interesting.  Examples:

VP-24 U.S. Navy Patrol Squadron and VPB-24 U.S. Navy Patrol Bomber Squadron

VP-71 U.S. Navy Patrol Squadron

VS-6 U.S. Navy Antisubmarine Reconnaissance Scout Squadron




Oh look, more non-IBM's for the IBM thread; though there are two more IBM's it doesn't really balance out.  It's all thanks to my new book about the first forty years at Green Bank.

<EDIT>: Finished off a couple more, including the long promised Bell Labs/DEC/AT&T MERT-tan and the equally long awaited TI DX10-tan; hopefully to you the OSC's satisfaction.  That clears out my to-do list, but it's already filled up again.

Question: Do LINC, LGP-30, or ACE-tans already exist?

Bendix G-15-tan
-Likes to dig; tunnels, holes, railroad cuts (computer was good at cut and fill calculations for civil engineering firms)
-G-15 suffers from short term memory loss (didn't retain memory when shut off)
-Doesn't believe in Iowa.
-Admires her mother, ACE-tan, and the work of Alan Turing
-By extension, harbors lingering animosity towards the British government
-Plays the drums (uses a lot of different types of memory drums)
-G-15 suffers from short term memory loss (didn't retain memory when shut off)
-SCOPE-sama's favorite <adopted> "daughter" despite being older (Bendix Computer Division was bought by CDC) as well as the only other person grounded enough to help KRONOS-kun out on a regular basis
-A successful challenger to IBM's of her era in contests (replaced an IBM 610 at the NRAO, because it was too slow)
-Much more excitable then KRONOS, but not as manic as MACE or as driven as SCOPE.  Misses the Bendix company and her creator more then she lets on
-Interested in a variety of engineering and scientific fields, notably radio astronomy
-Status: Alive in museums and small engineering firms world wide

Physical: Gold eyes (designer Harry Huskey received the final production model with a gold plated front), has Huskey ears (see designer Hary Husky) with short thick black and buff hair, wears mainly shades of blue in her clothing in a variety of practical styles

IBM 610 Auto-Point Computer-tan
-Could levitate for a period of time (floating point arithmetic amuses me as a concept)
-Smacks people who rush her on the wrists with a classroom pointer
-Friendly and forgiving with her operators
-Reliable but slow.  If you want a job done fast, don't come to her it'll take forever
-Tends to speak in clipped sentences (Auto-point refers to her rounding abilities)
-One of the possible first "personal computers", didn't live long enough to see the concept carried out.
-Fast typist (first office computer with a keyboard for direct data entry)
-Could be considered the mother of all later IBM PC's
-Impervious to temperature changes
-Mortal enemy of Bendix G-15.....
-Status: Deceased

Physical: Wears keyboard keys in her hair, never blinks, gray and blue pupils (in bars), preferred clothing: tartan skirts and business casual (with bicycle {Anachronism, yes I know} shorts, because you know the floating), older IBM dark gray hair, blue eyes

IBM 1620 "CADET"-tan & 1620 Moniter I & II-tan(Can't Add, Doesn't Even Try)
-IBM 610's much more incompetent replacement
-Very popular amongst scientists, despite her problems
-Flighty, has trouble concentrating on her tasks
-Prone to ignoring instructions from her superiors.  They've pretty much stopped trying.
-Tends to stop talking or reading in the middle of a sentence (interpreted record marks as terminate orders, in effect making it extremely difficult to read paper tape)
-Speaks Russian as pretty much her only talent (used "Ж" {zh} as invalid symbol)
-Responsible for cleaning up around the IBM Plantation (first procedure was always a sweep out of previous user data)
-Despite math being one of her main functions, has extreme difficulty performing addition
-Loves muffins (fixed with a muffin fan in development)
-May or may not be DOS/360 predecessor as Chief of IBM Intelligence (appeared in The Man from UNCLE)
-Status: Deceased (early 1970's)

Physical: Shares IBM 610's blue and gray eyes, wears earring buttons one stamped "Insert" and the other "Release", wears parts of an IBM cadet's uniform mixed with whatever else she finds lying around, hair kept up in buns, pale blond

SWAC (Standards Western Automatic Computer)-tan
-One of Bendix G-15's older relations, younger sister of SEAC
-A proud former employee of the National Bureau of Standards
-Started as a temp until RAYDAC was brought online, respects her greatly (and is terrified of her)
-Also retired from a job performing calculations for UCLA
-Still complains about the low price per hour charged by UCLA to employ her
-Held the fastest computer in the world title before IAS Machine
-Now good friends/friendly enemies with IAS-sama
-Likes things to be arranged in prime numbers, can be obsessive about it (discovered what at the time were the largest prime numbers)
-Life long resident of California, Los Angeles to be specific, has considered removing herself east to the BR
-Status: Alive

Physical: Tan from years of living in the sun, prefers lighter weight clothing, not very tall but with an athletic build, carries brass knuckles in case of IAS, brown eyes, always wears five hair clips

SEAC (Standards Eastern Automatic Computer)-tan AKA National Bureau of Standards Interim Computer-tan
-Older sister of SWAC, they never met each other
-Companion of the mysterious DYSEAC (early experiments performed with computer linking and time sharing)
-Always carries a briefcase filled with files and charts (first stored program computer in the US)
-Underwent experimental brain surgery at one point, part of it was electronic
--Part of this allowed her to body to be controlled remotely (first computer to have remote telex access)
-Expresses a disdain for those computers dependent on tubes (first computer to perform all logic with solid state devices)
-Navigation and meteorology expert
-Amateur Photographer, usually carries a camera (had an early scanner to perform image processing experiments)
-Coast Guard Reservist
-Status: Deceased (1964)

Physical: Several scars running along her head, one eye obviously cybernetic other green, black hair streaked gray, vague glow (NBS and NIST work with a lot of radiation), like her younger sister not terribly tall but definitely less athletic, glasses (designed optical lenses)

-Possessing something of a inferiority complex, being built by a calculator company
-Capable of projecting her thoughts/process onto multiple screens at once (multiple terminal access)
-Often forgotten by other OS-tans, not helping her complex or any nearby file folders
-Surprisingly strong, can lift and move at least car weights (used in factory automation)
-Throws said cars if upset enough
-Usefully fairly mild mannered and withdrawn, speaks with an almost mechanical sounding Texas drawl
-Views herself as protector of her better known calculator 'sisters'
-Status: Alive in emulation

Physical: Wears a plain manila jacket with  a Texas Instruments logo pin and black pin striped pants, brown hair with red bows, charcoal colored eyes

MERT (Multi-Environment Real-Time)-tan AKA DMERT (Duplex Multi Environment Real Time)-tan AKA UNIX-RTR (Real-Time Reliable)-tan
-Has the misfortune to be a UNIX made by Bell Labs for DEC computers, not liked or trusted by either camp
-Often bullied or beaten up by other DECs, former DECs, and Unixen for various reasons starting at treason, 'looking sideways', and convenient for target practice
-Honest and brave to a fault despite what others may believe (Mert is a Turkish name meaning meaning honest, chivalrous, or valiant)
-Has a second job as a switchboard operator (DMERT used by AT&T 3B20D automatic switchboards) where she feels appreciated.
-Can control the flow of time, alter the size of objects, and make pay phone calls without paying (real time operations capable, one of the first steps towards micro-kernal systems, see above) though she doesn't use any of them very often
-An early UNIX derivative (1970s), she tries to avoid her "mother" as much as possible due to lingering animosity on her part
-SysV-tan continually tries to kill her, to remove lasting traces of her old shame (the other OS used in switching computers)
-Cares too much about her families to leave them permanently; feeling remorse for DEC's downfall and still loves her Unix brethren despite their treatment
-Soft spoken
-Status: Alive

Physical: Bandages somewhere at all times, cardigan buttoned most of the way up over a blue camisole with expired Bell Labs ID clipped to the pocket, khaki pants cut/torn off mid shin, rotary dial locket, Bell Telephone logo eyes (inherited),  tanker boots, expired train schedule sticking out of her cardigan pocket



ik i've been taking the initiative a little too much recently, but this is piquing my interesting, and being that i have nothing to do recently, i think i'll try for:
IBM 610 Auto-Point Computer-tan
IBM 1620 "CADET"-tan & 1620 Moniter I & II-ta

i feel bad for even staking a claim!! >___< but i'll try anyway and you can reject them later if you don't like them. ;___;

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Please click on the image to view its full size.
Citroën 2cv Berline (1963)




ps. guys, where do you get all this info on vintage computers? i was thinking about writing a personality myself........trying a crack at it....
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Mother Wikipedia provides a lot of my info, in addition to Auntie Google.  In the case of most of these recent -tans the initial contact came from elsewhere.  Bendix G-15, IBM 610, and IBM 1620 were all in my new book about the National Radio Observatory.  MERT came from a link about automatic switchboards, no idea where DX10 came from (maybe Speak & Spell?), SWAC SWEC DYSEC all came from G-15-tan.  Mostly it's luck, plus Wiki walks, that'll lead you to obscure OS's.

Do not feel bad, rejoice at making the humble researcher-peasant's breast swell with pride!  Haven't rejected a drawing yet.


Oh, but do we ever? -w-;