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Test flash

Started by Fedora-Tan, November 21, 2005, 12:19:12 PM

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Provided by CaptBrenden


It seems there was a bug preventing you to put and see attachments.

If you are logged and can see the flash above, then it means it's fixed ;)
If you're a guest, nothing will show so please login, it's a known bug that i'll fix asap :

Enjoy  ;010


I dunno if I would call Guests not being ale to see ti a bug, I would call that an Incentive to register and participate in the forums


It's a bug in the way guests doesn't know at all there is an attach. There's nothing saying that (look at my bugreport).

Idea is of course to have ppl register, but like now it's more getting confusing than anything else ;)

If you wanna test, just logout and check this thread you'll see what i mean  ;010


Nah, But if we can get more people active that would rock


wow can we load flash now ;019 , CaptB how did you save it tech meeeeeee.... ;010


QuoteQuote from : Q4(V)

wow can we load flash now ;019 , CaptB how did you save it tech meeeeeee.... ;010

It's me who saved it for Capt.

Linux-tan has a native support to download any kind of files ;)


LOL, so does XP when you know what you are doing


QuoteQuote from : DrizzCat

LOL, so does XP when you know what you are doing

AFAIK there is no way to do that natively and easily with winxp (of course it can be done with tricks or external softs but it's not "native and intuitive ;) "


Actually it can be done Nativly.  You just need to understand HTML and XHTML to Look for hte Specific File to put in your address bar then it's a quick File->Save and your Done


Some flashes cannot be downloaded this way since you'll miss extra files (especially on more complex flashes like db games or such)... and that's not what i call a "native" way since it requires source handling ;) (okay it's not *hard* but still it's not everybody that is able to do that, that's what i meant ;) )


WHO DID THIS?!?! It really did it Capt.? It looks cool!! Finally people is doing more stuff for OS-Tans...


does every1 know wht the site was abt .... the one i found this off ... i can't read japanese or was it chinese .... couldn't tell ....


I can't see anything

I regis already


this is really DL job has he had it ... just e mail him and ask him or go to the post thing were u tell him abt problems.