Lets make a "Which OS-tan are you" Quiz!

Started by Sora, October 25, 2009, 02:44:53 AM

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we've already been assimilated into the demon's army, isn't that right, master? :3
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Fufufu~. Well, you're all here around, so it sure does seem that way, ne?


my point exactly! taking over the world will be easy for you now! xD
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Quote from: "GTCD"emmm, what's that again?
Third rule of the internet: We are anonymous.
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Don't you know that there is this bond that help us together that is named 'trust'?

Neijin could be me, and I could be Neijin if we're actually anonymous. IN THE INTERNET.

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


Global rule number 1: Do not try to conceal a demon. Or, for that part, impersonate one. It ends badly.

Also rule#3 only applies on channels where a lack of anonymity is potentially fatal.

Added after 44 seconds:

Now if we could stop giddyshitting about pointless things and start some quiz-writing, eh?


E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


You're not being productive. D:< Stop posting one word posts.

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


Posts dedicated to deriding one's productivity are not productive either.

What's next on the agenda?  Are we still making questions/answers?  Which quiz are we working on and who are the dramatis personae?


Well, I haven't gotten around to answers myself yet, so if anyone could help out with that it'd be pretty nice (I feel like I'm doing almost everything around these parts these days) - starting with the Main -tans is probably the best way to go. MAKE SURE to read up on their personalities and such in their Wiki articles before you get to the answermaking, to make sure we work from matching profiles.

Those I can count in on this endeavour - let's get to it.

By Main -tans i refer to those I posted in the other thread as Category 1, meaningly:
NT-san (Big NT, Mama NT, etc)
Hacchan (Win98)
Secchan (Win98SE)
XP-tan (XP Pro, "Saseko")
Homeko (XP Home)
Moseko (XPMCE)
Visbou (Ninja Vistan)
Vistake ("Screw" Vistan)
Generic OSX-tan
Linux-tan (Aka Penguin girl)

Possibly we could whittle it down to only the windows-tans above.
Oh, and it might be a good question to ask whether to include Nanami-tan on the above list - she should have sizeable portfolio.


Pruning it down to just the Windows-tans sounds good for now.

As far as Nanami-tan...I'm torn.  The list will feel incomplete without 7 being represented.  However, it seems too early to say anything with any certainty about her.

Do we have a list of questions already or we suggesting questions with all of the answers already attached?


That's the way I feel too about Nanami - and if we don't have data on her it's likely because there is no such data - and then we'll just have to make our own, based on what we do have, right?

Anyway, I suggested a question sheet a while ago:
ITT: Demon gets his ass off normal work and gets things done.

1: It's morning. When and how do you wake up, and what do you eat for breakfast?
2: You're all set to go. How are you dressed, and where are you headed today?
3: You're starting to get hungry. Where do you head for lunch, and what do you eat?
4: The day is over, and you're back home. What do you occupy yourself with?
5: It's getting late - and you're a bit tired. When, where and why do you go to sleep?
6: You're slumbering nice and fine. What are you dreaming about tonight?

7: A friend calls you in the morning on your day off, and asks if you want to join him and a couple of others on an outing. How do you answer him?
8: How do you spend your day off?
9: You're visiting an imageboard, and see a post criticizing something you like. How do you react?

10: Nobody is perfect. What are your greatest flaws?
11: On the other hand, most people have something they know is a good side. What is your best trait?
12: What is your favorite color?
13: What is your quest?

Your name is...

Et cetera.

Added after 1 minutes:

Or we could just use the "young/inexperienced" route for Nanami - it does fit.


*twitches violently* OH GODS THIS AGAIN~~

can i safely assume that someone took over the next quiz? am i to assume that you are spearheading the windows quiz nej? :\

cause if you guys want me to do it again (gods that was dirty xD) then you may have to wait awhile....i've been sick from school for 3 days now, which means massive piles of werk. not to mention the odd little sideproject i've been sewing for the past 5 days (if you like i can post a pic of evangeline once i'm done with her :3), and the odd urges to draw.....and i will have to bake pies next week.....

someone else do it. i did the first one. :\
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