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Started by nami_eiku, June 07, 2010, 06:41:59 AM

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I'm pretty new to these forums, so, please, be kind ^^

I want to put all popular/common internet browser-tans on my website, and found official opera and firefox tans, but didn't find any ie8 or chrome-tans so, I've made designs of my own (sorry if there was any other design of these browsers, I really googled a lot and looked through your galleries, but, although I found some chrome-tan designs, I didn't found any IE8-tan)

So, this is the design I made, hope you like it!


Amazing job! The character design is great (love the little details like the status-circle bubble blower ^^), and the art is positively beautiful. Imma fave this over on dA now (My devart username is BellaCielo). ^^

BTW, there are Chromium-tan and Chrome-tan designs....


Dr. Kraus

I'm with Bella on this, totally faving on dA (dA username is Daslineal)


lovely! and that's basically what IE looks like anyway, so points for accuracy! xD

i like it. but i does not use my deviant art, so cannot favourite. .___.;
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*drags Choco by her ear back to her dA account*

Hey, Dr. Kraus, I've seen you around on dA! Somewhere, I dunno... must've been the OS-tan group...


Wow, good job  ;003


Hi, thanks everybody for your comments, and your faves on dA ;)
I'll try drawing chrome this weekend (I knew there was some chrome designs already, but I dind't find any quite satisfying for my tastes...) although I think is going to be a very bussy weekend
I like the chromium designs (I've heard the author is going to show them to google on some convention taking part in south africa in october, isn't it? that's just awesome!) but chromium and chrome are not the same, so I'll do my own chrome design and probably will take some features from the chromium designs (like the hair clip, I like it the most :D)

Aurora Borealis

IE8-tan looks amazing, and I really like the art style you used too! :D


You have been properly added to watch list and art made favorite...

Keep up the good work... which is great, actually... :D
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......still not on DA.....
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K-chan's a rebel!

I like it, more so then most other IE-tans.


^^ she's adorable. pretty fitting too, since she looks like nanami and IE is the default browser for windows.

and i always have been..... xD
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Wow - Someone had a little too much X360-tan and SEGA on their mind.


do we have an internet explorer section in the gallery? we're kinda currently lacking in pics...
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